Polytechnic Part time Admission 2019


Director of Technical Education, Government of Kerala, has invited applications for admission to the Six Semester Part time Diploma Programmes (1st shift Part Time) 2019-20, conducted by 9 Polytechnic Colleges under the Department in Kerala.

Part-time diploma Programmes are conducted only in the Engineering/Technology stream. The Programmes will be of 3 years (6 Semester duration) and will be conducted from from 5 pm to 9.30 pm from Monday to Saturday (6 days), with 5 periods of 50 minutes each, per day, giving 30 periods per week.

The list of Polytechnic Colleges, Programmes offered, intake for admission at each Polytechnic college for each Programme and apply online visit www.polyadmission.org

Eligibility: Applicant should be a citizen of India. Applicant should be a native of Kerala or should have undergone an ITI qualifying examination from an institution in Kerala State or he/she should be a permanent employee in Central/State/Quasi Government/Public Sector under taking in Kerala State.

Applicant should have completed a minimum of 18 years as on 1st June 2019.

Last date for submitting application is July 18, 2019.

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