Check CIBIL score through Internet banking


What is CIBIL?

Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited, is known as CIBIL, is India’s first Credit Information Company or Credit Bureau. It maintains records of all credit-related activity of individuals and companies including loans and Credit cards. The records are submitted to CIBIL by registered member banks and other financial institutions on usually monthly basis. Based on this data, CIBIL issues a Credit Information Report or CIR (commonly referred to as a credit report) and a credit score.

If we planning to apply for a loan or credit card first check your credit score first. It is necessary to check the CIBIL score to get a loan now.

How to Check CIBIL Score by State Bank of India (SBI) Internet banking :

SBI give facility to account holders to check their CIBIL score. For this you must Activate SBI internet banking facility.


After registration of Internet banking, Logon to(SBI) Internet banking :

Then open the link ‘Know your CIBIL Score’ then click the CIBIL logo and filled the necessary details.
A Service charge of ₹440 will be levied for a CIBIL report. Also we can check the status of report on clicking status tab.

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