Niyukthi 2019 Job Fest at Ernakulam


Employability Centre, Kerala conduct a Mega Job Fest “Niyukthi 2019” at Ernakulam district on 19.01.2019. Online registration is mandatory for participating this job fest. Technical and non technical vacancies are reported in this Job Fest. Age limit 18 -40 years.

Venue : Cusat campus, Kochi
Date : 19.01.2019, Saturday
Contact : 04842422458

For Registration of Niyukthi 2019 visit
Vacancy Details

  1. English / Softskill Trainer (Male/Female)
  2. MIS Executive(Male/Female)
  3. Engineering Trainees(Male/Female)
  4. Building Automation Trainees(Male)
  5. Medical Assistants (Male/Female)
  6. CCTV Technicians (Male)
  7. Hostel Warden (Male)
  8. Medical Laboratory Technician(MLT) (Male/Female)
  9. Faculties (Female)
  10. Teachers (Female)
  11. Skill Development Faculty Trainer (Male/Female)
  12. HR Executive/Manager (Male/Female)
  13. Branch Manager (Male/Female)
  14. Branch Credit Manager (Male) etc…

For more vacancy details visit

Job seeker has to bring along with the following documents

  1. Admit Card downloaded from the Job Fest Site.
  2. A valid Photo Identity Card.
  3. 5 Copies of resume along with self attested copies of your certificates.
  4. All certificates in original.

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