Apply Certificates through E District Portal


E District Portal is designed for services be available through the online web portal. The purpose of this is to make the most of computerization implemented in the respective departments by making transparent, neutral and speedy services available. This also facilitates the reduction in procedures required for this. Visit for apply a Certificate.

Revenue Department Certificate Services (Courtesy : eDistrict, Kerala Government)

1. Possession certificate
2. Income Certificate
3. Caste Certificate
4. Nativity Certificate
5. One and the Same Certificate
6. Location Certificate
7. Community certificate
8. Residence Certificate
9. Relationship Certificate
10. Family Membership Certificate
11. Non-Remarriage Certificate
12. Possession and Non-Attachment Certificate
13. Domicile Certificate
14. Life certificate
15. Identification Certificate
16. Valuation Certificate
17. Legal Heir Certificate
18. Widow-Widower Certificate
19. Dependency Certificate
20. Destitute Certificate
21. Solvency Certificate
22. Inter-Caste Marriage Certificate
23. Conversion Certificate
24. Minority Certificate
Right to Information (RTI) Services
25. Normal Applications
26. Appeal Applications
Public Grievance Services
27. Grievance applications
Payment Services
Utility Payment Services
28. Water bills
29. Electricity bills
30. Land phone bills
31. Mobile phone bills
32. Wireless connection bills
Calicut University Services
33. Exam Remittances
34. General Remittances
Welfare Board Fee Payments
35. Labor welfare board fees
36. Cultural welfare board fees
Police Department Payments
37. E-Challans
Revenue Court Cases
38. Criminal Miscellaneous Petitions (CrPC 133)
39. Petitions under Maintenance and Welfare of Senior Citizens Act
40. Petitions under Wetland Conservation Act
41. Appeal under Land Conservancy Act
Forest Department Services
42. Compensation for death due to wild life attack
43. Compensation for injury due to wild life attack
44. Compensation for crop damage due to wild life attack
45. Compensation for cattle loss due to wild life attack
46. Compensation for property damage due to wild life attack
47. Compensation for house damage due to wild life attack

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