Kerala PSC University Assistant : Information Technology & Cyber Law topic.

  1. The Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as ITA-2000, or the IT Act) is an Act of the Indian Parliament (No 21 of 2000) commenced on : 17 October 2000.
  2. The President of India who signed by the IT Act : K. R. Narayanan
  3. How many sections, Chapters and schedules in IT act ? 94 Sections, 13 chapters, 4 Schedules.

Important sections in IT Act

  1. Section 65 : Tampering with Computer source documents
  2. Section 66 : Hacking with computer System
  3. Section 66B : Receiving stolen computer or communication device
  4. Section 66C : Using password of another person
  5. Section 66D : Cheating using computer resource
  6. Section 66E : Publishing private images of others.
  7. Section 66F : Acts of cyberterrorism
  8. Section 67 : Publishing information which is obscene in electronic form.
  9. Section 67A : Publishing images containing sexual acts.
  10. Section 67B : Publishing child porn or predating children online.
  11. Section 67C : Failure to maintain records
  12. Section 68 : Failure or refusal to comply with orders
  13. Section 69 : Failure or refusal to decrypt data.
  14. Section 70: Securing access or attempting to secure access to a protected system.
  15. Section 71: Misrepresentation.

Questions from Information Technology

  1. GIF stands for : Graphical Interchange Format
  2. IPV6 has ____ bit address : 128
  3. In fiber optics , the signal source is _____ waves : light
  4. Which one is the operating system a) Windows, b) Unix c) Dos d) Linux : All
  5. Google Chrome is : Web Browser
  6. Shortcut for printing : Ctrl + P
  7. Shortcut for copying : Ctrl + C
  8. Shortcut for Paste : Ctrl + V
  9. Shortcut for move : Ctrl + X
  10. Fullform of ATM : Automated Teller Machine
  11. Full form of JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group.
  12. Full form of PDF : Portable Document Format.
  13. Fullform of PNG : Portable Network Graphics
  14. Fullform of HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  15. Fullform of HTML : Hypertext Markup Language.
  16. 1024 Bytes : 1 KB (Kilo Byte)
  17. 1024 KB : 1 MB ( Mega Byte)
  18. 1024 MB : 1 GB ( Giga Byte)
  19. 1024 GB : 1 TB ( Tera Byte)
  20. 1024 TB : 1 PB ( Penta Byte )

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