Inventions: Science


Repeated Questions from PSC examinations (Inventions)

  1. Proton : Ernest Rutherford
  2. Neutron : James Chadwick
  3. Electron : J. J. Thomson
  4. Introducing the atomic theory : John Dalton
  5. Who discovered nuclear fission in 1938 : Otto Hahn
  6. Quantum Theory : Max Planck
  7. Radioactivity :  Henri Becquerel
  8. the theory of relativity : Albert Einstein
  9. rabies Vaccine : Louis Pasteur
  10. Hydrogen  : ‎Henry Cavendish
  11. Oxygen : Joseph Priestley (1772)
  12. Nitrogen : Daniel Rutherford
  13. Carbon : Antoine Lavoisier
  14. Sodium : Humphry Davy
  15. Potassium : Humphry Davy
  16. Chlorine : Carl Wilhelm Scheele
  17. Thermometer  : Galileo Galilei
  18. Radium : Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her husband Pierre Curie on 21 December 1898
  19. Penicillin : Alexander Fleming
  20. Electricity : Benjamin Franklin

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