UIDAI launches Virtual ID


UIDAI launches Virtual ID. Generate your VID from: https://resident.uidai.gov.in/web/resident/vidgeneration
Soon, service providers will start accepting VID in place of Aadhaar number. For now, you can use this for online address update in your Aadhaar from: https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/web/guest/ssup-home

What is Virtual ID:

Virtual ID is a 16 digit random number which mapped to your Aadhaar number. It can used to authorize your Aadhaar number by giving this id. Their is no need to give Aadhaar number to any agencies. Only give this number. People’s can generate their Virtual ID by login to https://resident.uidai.gov.in/web/resident/vidgeneration

This is a better way to avoid Aadhaar misusing. UIDAI says.

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