Deloitte Recruitment Drive for BCA/BSc 2021 & 2020 batch


Company : Deloitte – World’s biggest private professional service provider
Designation : Profile Associate Analyst- Risk & Financial Advisory

Salary offered: 3,60,000 per annum (CTC).


  • Bachelor’s in Science (B.Sc.) – Computer Science with any other specialization, or Bachelor’s in Computer Application (BCA) 2021 and 2020 graduates only
  • No active backlogs
  • Aggregate 60% or CGPA of 6.5
  • The students should NOT have been tested/appeared for any recruitment process by Deloitte in the last six months
  • Please go through the below link before registration to understand job description, Resume format to be uploaded & guidelines to register in Deloitte career site C0H2vSiDjbFQFMTe?usp=sharing

Registration Link:-

Important Notice : After registration in above Deloitte Site, Please click the below link (Marian College Link) and enter the necessary details.
Registration end date: 6PM , 11 JULY 2021

Please ensure all the students have:

  1. Laptop/desktop with functional web-cam capability
  2. Stable and secure internet connectivity
  3. Continuous Power backup
  4. All candidates applying for this profile with USI Risk & Financial Advisory to create resume in the format shared (Your_ReadyForAdvisory_Resume)
  5. It is mandatory for all the applicants to register on the registration link to be eligible to appear for the next steps.
  6. Registered and eligible candidates would be receiving communication from Deloitte on next steps directly on their registered email IDs.

This is a free service and the candidates need not have to pay any money throughout the process.

For more visit

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